Disney Solar Plant Looks Like Mickey Mouse

Disney World’s Large Solar Project Probably Looks Familiar For those on their way to Orlando’s Disney World to get Belle’s autograph or revel in the Magic Kingdom, the first taste you might get of the famous park is while you still on the plane, staring down at the biggest, bluest…

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PACE in a Box

In order to expedite the establishment of local PACE programs in Texas and to facilitate an orderly, consistent, state-wide approach to PACE design and implementation, KPT organized a broad-based coalition of over 100 PACE stakeholders (the “Texas PACE Coalition”) to collaborate in developing a toolkit for local governments to use…

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Oil Loving Texas Going Solar

Texas is known for barbecue, football fanatics, and “Texas Tea,” or a massive number of oil fields. While Texas has done a lot to increase its wind energy capacity, it looks as though the Lone Star State is starting to embrace solar. According to Scientific American, Austin Energy is adding…

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